Using the MicroBlueSoftware, LLC Website Database
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This database is the company website.
Tabs are used to navigate to other websites
Links to other web sites are selected by clicking on the tabs across the top of the pages. The selected tab is highlighted.
MicroBlue Home Tab
contains the company website.
Radops of El Jebel Tab
contains the Radops website.
El Jebel Computer Club Tab
is a link to the club database and requires a valid usierid and password to access.
AFTAC Alumni Association Tab
is a link to the association database and requires a valid usierid and password to access.
Denver Ag & Livestock Club Tab
is a link to the club database and requires a valid usierid and password to access.
External Links Tab
contains links to websites that may be of interest to visitors.
Highlighted links are used to navigate within a selected tab
The links within a tab are located in the Navigator ( left) frame of the page. The selected link is highlighted and the appropiate page is displayed in the Content ( right) frame.
Breadcrumb links are used to navigate within the website
The breadcrumb links at the top of the content on each page allow navigation back to the previous pages you have accessed without using the back button of your browser.
Supported Browsers
Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge and Internet Explorer.
Firefox is the preferred browser.
Where to find more information
More information can be found in the
Using This Database
Developed using HCL Xpages
XPages is a rapid web and mobile application development platform. It allows HCL Notes data to be displayed to browser clients on all platforms. The programming model is based on standards and common web development skills like JavaScript, Ajax, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript, JavaServer Faces and it leverages HCL Domino functionality contained in typical HCL Notes databases. XPages applications are hosted by HCL Domino, HCL's Rapid application development platform, which has sold more than 145 million licenses.
Some code used on this web site is licensed from OpenNTF under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Access Control
Access level is Reader for all users of this database. This will prevent unauthorized editing of documents within the database. Anonymous access is allowed for web users.
MicroBlue Software, LLC
Copyright © 2012 -
MicroBlue Software, LLC, All Rights Reserved
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