Bylaws Changes Aprroved by the Members On-the-Air November 3rd, 2019
Approved by Potentate June 30th, 2020 after submitted copy was lost
Revise §3.1 Regular. A regular meeting shall be held at least four times a year at the principal location of the temple unit, unless otherwise authorized by the potentate of El Jebel Shriners, at the call of the President unless otherwise scheduled by a majority vote of the voting members at the previous regular meeting. Two of these meetings must be held between October 1st and December 30th of each year, at which the officers for the ensuing year shall be nominated and elected. If it is not possible to hold a meeting during this period, a written request may be made to the Illustrious Potentate to change the date.
To Read: §3.1 Regular. A regular meeting shall be held at least four times a year at the principal location of the temple unit, unless otherwise authorized by the potentate of El Jebel Shriners, at the call of the President unless otherwise scheduled by a majority vote of the voting members at the previous regular meeting. One of these meetings must be held between September 1st and September 30th of each year, at which the officers for the ensuing year shall be nominated and elected. If it is not possible to hold a meeting during this period, a written request may be made to the Illustrious Potentate to change the date.
Officers, Election, Installation, Duties
Revise §4.1 Officers. The officers of this temple unit are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member shall not serve this temple unit for more than two consecutive terms in any given office with the exception of the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. If the members so vote at the regular meeting in December, the same person may hold the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
To Read: §4.1 Officers. The officers of this temple unit are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. A member shall not serve this temple unit for more than two consecutive terms in any given office with the exception of the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. If the members so vote at the regular meeting in September prior to the election of officers, the same person may hold the offices of Secretary and Treasurer.
Revise §4.2 Election. The officers shall be elected for the ensuing year by a majority vote of the voting members present and voting at the regular meeting held in December. Elections shall be by secret ballot. The list of the elected officers is to be presented to the Recorder of El Jebel Shriners by the last day of December for approval by the incoming temple Potentate.
To Read: §4.2 Election. The officers shall be elected for the ensuing year by a majority vote of the voting members present and voting at the regular meeting held in September. Elections shall be by secret ballot. The list of the elected officers is to be presented to the Recorder of El Jebel Shriners by the first day of October for approval by the incoming temple Potentate.
Committees and Duties
§5.1 Standing Committees.
Revise (d) Nominating Committee. This committee shall be comprised of the three immediate past presidents of the Radops. They will be responsible for presenting a slate of officers nominated for the ensuing year, at the October regular meeting.
To Read: (d) Nominating Committee. This committee shall be comprised of the three immediate past presidents of the Radops. They will be responsible for presenting a slate of officers nominated for the ensuing year, at the September regular meeting..
The above changes are required to comply Shriners International General Order #1, Unit & Club Officers must be elected, and names submitted to the Temple office no later than October 21st as the office must send the results to Shriners International by October 31st.
Revise §6.4 Dues. The annual dues, and any initiation fee, shall be determined by a majority vote of the voting members at the regular meeting in December.
To Read: §6.4 Dues. The annual dues, and any initiation fee, shall be determined by a majority vote of the voting members at the regular meeting in September.
The above change is being made to correct the incorrect month specified. We do not have a meeting in December because of the Christmas holiday.